Monday, October 17, 2011

Trip to KZ

Dear Readers,

Wow! What a month? It flew by without me even knowing it! So here we are four 
day's away from my dad and I flying to KZ, Almaty. I am excited to see what God 
has in store for us. The trip there is going to be 24 hour travel. I can already predict
we'll be exhausted when we get there late at night, Saturday. I will try my best to
post some photo's of my travel on here, but I'm still not sure what the internet will be like. Thank you for some of you that have written to Vova. I do have some
updates on his situation back there. He is still in orphanage and it's been hard to 
find a job. The last job he had was being a security guy at the orphanage, but he 
soon quit because of older kids verbally abusing him. Continue to pray for him.
Your letters will be encouragement for certain. Kazakhstan is heavily Muslim 
populated  country, but the interesting thing is they let Christians worship and have
a church there freely, God's faithful provision. People ask me what is one thing 
you would like to get out of this trip. I pray that God will use me any way He desires
to bring others to Him. I will be seeing my grandmother there too. I pray God will 
open her heart to Him as I give her a Bible. I can't save her, only God can, I just 
pray I'll be a useful vessel while I'm there. 

Hopefully I'll be writing to you soon!


1 comment:

  1. Hey Ash, so excited for you!! I'll being praying that God does awesome things while you're there. love, Celia
