Saturday, September 24, 2011

A Smallish Break...

{Dear Readers,}

Ok,ok, you might be wondering. Where did the pictures from day 4 and 5 go? Well, I still have them but due to some life, I have to take a smallish break before we continue our Photo Challenge. You can continue sending me pictures you take on the day's and I'll post them late on. 

October is coming up faster then I expected and I'm 4 weeks away from leaving on my journey to my home, Almaty. For those of you that expressed interest in donating to the Sunny Day Fundraiser we will be collecting donations  on October 10th. To donate e-mail me at: 

{ }

To follow posts on my trip, you can follow by e-mail, the subscription box should be somewhere on the right side ^ up there...or over here> :] 

If you like to buy a Bible for an orphan go to:

They have a good selection of Bibles, forward the Bible to this address when you buy it: 

YWAM Denver
12750W 63rd Avanue
Arvada, CO 80004

When sending put as a note(if you can, sometimes they won't let you and that's ok) : For orphans or To Almaty 

{Hope to post some pictures for you soon! }

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Picturing Higher

Day # 3- {From High Angle}

Kyler 6years old

Me {Miss Annie}

Next  Photo Challenge/ Day 4: From Low Angle 

Couple of Rules:

1. No Editing
2. Take the photograph that day only/ no old photos

Something to make you smile:

So totally true!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Here is Green there is Green everywhere is Green Green

Dear Readers,

Todays Challenge: Something Green

{Kyler} 6 years old

{Me} Peek-a-boo!

Challenge Day # 3- From High Angle


Monday, September 19, 2011

Watching as the Clouds Roll by....bye bye......

Day 1- Clouds!

I am so excited! Thank you for all of your wonderful pictures that you have sent me. They are all so unique and creatively yours. All of you did an amazing job! Way to Go!

 Here are the entries:

Celia LaPlante

Me( not many clouds around)

Kyler Harris(6yrs old, mirror and me)

Charity Klicka

mommy(evening cloud)

 Couple of things to mention when sending me your pictures.

  • make sure you give me your name 
  • the day of the challenge
  • where you're from
Also, you are more than welcome to give me some descriptive note on that picture. 

Next Challenge: Day #2/   Something Green

Have fun with it, and get to know your camera. :)

Can't wait to see your pictures tomorrow!

In Christ,


Monday, September 12, 2011

Photography Challenge

Dear Readers,

I am starting a 30 day Photography Challenge! :] Starting with September, 19 I will follow the list of day's assignments. You are welcome to join me in doing so! You can send me your picture and I will post it here. Can't wait to start!

E-mail pictures to me at this e-mail:

(When sending: Put your name and the # Day (example: day 1 assignment) of the picture)

Here is the list!

30 Day Photography Challenge

Day 1: Clouds
Day 2: Something Green
Day 3: From high angle
Day 4: From low angle
Day 5: Someone you love
Day 6: Childhood memory
Day 7: Something blue
Day 8: Sunset
Day 9: Eyes
Day 10: Your shoes
Day 11: Something orange
Day 12: Hands
Day 13: Close-up
Day 14: From Distance
Day 15: Flowers
Day 16: Black and White
Day 17: Transportation
Day 18: Stranger
Day 19: street, road or path
Day 20: Nature
Day 21: A Child
Day 22: Movement
Day 23: Water
Day 24: promise/honor/chaos (pick one: take a picture that describes that word)
Day 25: Pattern
Day 26: Strong
Day 27: Animal
Day 28: Good Night
Day 29: A bug
Day 30: Blessing

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sorrow and Trials

  When loosing someone close we don’t know what God’s plans are, but we take great comfort in His unchanging word. God knows best what cross we need to bear, and we never know how heavy someone else’s cross may be. Sorrow reveals unknown depths of the soul, and unknown capacities for suffering and service. I believe sorrow is God’s tool to plow the depths of our soul, that it may richer harvest. Sorrow causes us to take time to think deeply and seriously. The pressure of difficult times makes us value life. Every time our life is spared and given back to us after a trial, is like a new beginning. We better understand it’s value and move forward cleaning closer to God. 

As hard as it is to see in those difficulties times. The difficulties are need to press us forward in faith. It makes us realize how every moment of life is important. How it makes you want to tell people about Christ and be the salt and light in the earth. One day, you will see the fruit of your trial and you will be filled with thanksgiving. God of all comfort and love heals the wounds and draws you close to Him. What a comfort it is to know that one day our dear Jesus will wipe every tear and there won’t be the hurt we expireance today.

 Soon, Inside you will be filled with thanksgiving and your eye’s water and tears stream down your cheek. What an amazing, indescribable God! Thank you for your love and mercy everyday! Thank you for all of the small things I forget to mention and take for granted! I need more of those reminders of how small I am and how big our God is. Thank you Lord for the trials you have put in my life. The journey you may be taking right now will never be without a purpose. God is walking with you every step of the way