If you remember in the previous post I told you about Vova, when he got the gifts and letters. He celebrated his 18th birthday on March 31. His status- He is still in the orphanage and has a job. He is soon to leave the orphanage and live by himself. We have some people from the U.S supporting him. My family and I are sending him a present for his birthday and I am inviting you to write to him.
This note will me translated to Russian and reviewed- Here are some Ideas;
- The note or letter you write to him could be an encouragement as it is difficult to leave the orphanage and to support himself without family.
- Telling him about Christ and to follow Him.
- Birthday wishes
- Drawings or pictures- PS. We learned today he has an album of all the pictures we sent him during the years- so sweet.
Here is how to send your notes:
- Be sure to include your name
- e-mail it to: fathertothefatherlesskz@yahoo.com
- No longer than 150 words
- Deadline: May 5th
In Christ,
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