Monday, December 6, 2010

Vova Getting His Gift!

Dear Readers,

When I was an orphan living in Almaty we were separated into groups by age. The group becomes your family as you grow and learn together. I had a family of my own and part that family was Vova.  Vova is now in another orphanage but Dje  visits him and delivers things we send.

Here is Vova with his Texas hat and the  letters. :)

Wow! It is such a blessing for those gifts to arrive safely in Almaty half way across the globe! Thank you Lord!!

In Christ,

PS. We will have more updates on Vova!
PSS. We are working on setting up a project for YOU to be involved in, coming soon!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Coming Soon!

 Dear Readers,

I am pleased to announce that D is safely back in Amlaty. He thanks all of you for your prayers!

We will be posting pictures and a new exciting project for the children that YOU can get involved in!

Stay Tuned!


PS. To Read about the Children and God's work in Almaty  read the first blog "Father to the Fatherless".